As the years go on, technology has become a key tool in our daily lives. Every day, we use things like smartphones, smart watches, GPS systems, appliances, and more, to help make tasks easier. However, some of these technologies may actually be causing some dangers in our lives.
Self-Driving Cars – Even though these types of vehicles could potentially help issues like drunk driving – studies have shown that autonomous vehicles are five times more likely to crash than traditional ones.
Hover Boards – Major headlines have been made surrounding these products catching on fire and causing major damages and death.
Drones – As these drones are moved through the air via a controller operated by a person on the ground, drones can have near misses with planes, humans, etc, or even fall out of the air and injure those on the ground.
So, who becomes liable when damages have to do with technology?
The answer is actually very complicated. In terms of self driving cars – the car is technically the driver, leading experts to believe that it would be considered a product liability issue, thereby making the manufacturer liable. More technology means more legal implications. In the future, clearer interpretations would definitely have to be made regarding liability, in addition to insurance policies and court regulations.
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